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  • MÁRIUS MOLLÀ PRESENTS HIS NEW WORK "Venjança color Carmí" MÉS 3/24 WITH Xavier Graset

MÁRIUS MOLLÀ PRESENTS HIS NEW WORK "Venjança color Carmí" MÉS 3/24 WITH Xavier Graset

mes 324 noticia venjaça color carmi compressed

Venjança color carmí  is a novel that immerses the reader in the Barcelona of industrialization, with lights and shadows, opportunities and challenges. The unique characters created by Màrius Mollà shake the reader's emotions as they face the complexities of life and struggle to find their place in the world.

Don't miss this powerful story of struggle, overcoming and revenge, where emotions beat to the rhythm of the heart of the Barcelona of yesteryear. Tune in to the Más 3/24 program with Xavier Graset and discover more about the work and inspirations behind Venjança color carmí  by the writer Màrius Mollà.




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